
Tom (Cork)

Tom has been involved in movement and teaching his whole life, starting out with martial arts, he now teaches Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz.

His understanding of rhythm, body mechanics and Jazz music enables him to break things down in class in a fun and accessible way for all students. 

Recently, Tom has been focussing on street performances with his students, in and around Cork City.

Tom is looking forward to bringing fresh and fun Solo Jazz ideas to the Cork Exchange Weekend, that you can integrate into all your dancing. 

Joanne (Manchester)

Jo’s movement journey started with gymnastics from the age of 6, where she discovered her love of spinning and generally being upside down. After teaching for a couple of years, she swapped to the circus community, and found great connection and strength in partner acrobalance at The Circus House, Manchester, and started her dance journey learning and performing fusion bellydance with the Rockit! Dance troupe. This has been the foundation behind Jo’s contrasting slow solo movement and energetic dance style.

Within a few months of being introduced to Lindy Hop, she found a love for Blues music, before her addiction spread to the faster dances of Collegiate shag, St. Louis shag and Balboa. She has been a driving force behind the fast dancing jazz communities since joining the Manshagster teaching team in 2017. After being on the organising team for the Honey Blues event Blues in the Hudd, she is now co-organising a community group. She co-founded Manchester Balboa in 2018, adding Slow Balboa facilitation to the mix during the pandemic, before helping bring Slow Balboa to Manchester and more of the North.

With 8 years jazz dance experience from a mix of styles, she combines the playful creativity of the circus and jazz worlds, with a strong follow voice and connection. Key focus in her teaching currently are to introduce follow voice as early as possible in all dancers’ journeys, whilst keeping the dance accessible and fun.

Rob (Liverpool)

Rob is a dancer who has traveled across the UK and internationally to take classes across the community of Lindy Hop. He’s been one of the key influences and keen voices to help promote non-genderised roles and inclusivity, so everyone can be equal in the dance. Started in Hull and now Liverpool, he’s been a part of Kingston Swing for many years and a committee member of Mersey. In 2022, he co-founded High Flyers of the North West with Joanne and Joe to support aerial enthusiasts, as well as act as a performance team.

With a passion for aerials, lindy hop, and switching, he explored other dance genres like ballet and is focused on studying the culture and history of the dance. In his classes, he strives to make anyone believe they can fly, while never forgetting about safety.

In both his partner dancing and aerial training, he focuses on fostering communication and connection, building a partnership, and promoting equality and playful creativity.

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